Farm Program Decisions: SCO – Step 6
Farm Bill Decision Aids and Programs Presenters: Jonathan Coppess and Nick Paulson
Farm Program Decisions: ARC-IC – Step 5
New webtools for making 2014 Farm Bill decisions were released by USDA on Thursday, September 25. Join us as we review these tools, as well as the Farm Bill Toolbox which includes 7 steps for making FSA farm decisions.
Farm Program Decisions: ARC-CO and PLC – Step 4
Farm Bill Decision Tools: Deciding Between ARC-CO and PLC
Special Webinar on Farm Bill Decision Aids and Programs
10-13-2014 Farm Bill 2014 Talk
Farm Program Decisions: Base Yield and Acre Updating Decisions – Steps 2 & 3
Each week, members of the farmdoc team will conduct a webinar that: (1) reviews the farm bill programs and decisions; (2) provides training and demonstration on the farm bill decision tool; and (3) includes updates on harvest, prices and program analysis.
Webinar on Farm Bill Decision Aids and Programs
Weekly webinar on Farm Bill Decision Aids and Programs with Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey and Nick Paulson from farmdoc at University of Illinois.
Webinar on Farm Bill Decision Aids and Programs
Weekly webinar on Farm Bill Decision Aids and Programs with Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey and Nick Paulson from farmdoc at University of Illinois.
Are you ready for the MPP?
Are you ready for the Margin Protection Program for Dairy Producers (MPP)?
Margin Protection Program Online Decision Tool
The 2014 Farm Bill provides the most comprehensive reform to the U.S. federal dairy farm safety net seen in decades. In place of milk price and revenue support programs the new Farm Bill creates a new Margin Protection Program for Dairy Producers (MPP). MPP is a voluntary program which places an emphasis on protecting income over feed cost margins. MPP protects against severe downturns in the milk price, rising livestock feed prices, or a combination of both. Dairy farm families…
Outlook for Corn and Soybean Prices – USDA June 2014 Estimates
Professors Darrel Good and Scott Irwin of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discuss the outlook for corn and soybean prices following the USDA's estimates of June 1 stocks and planted acreage.
Implications of USDA’s March 1 Grain Stocks and Prospective Plantings Reports
Professors Darrel Good and Scott Irwin of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discuss the USDA's March 1 reports.
Dairy Producer Margin Protection Program
Professor John Newton of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the the Dairy Producer Margin Protection Program.
Dairy Producer Margin Protection Program
Professor John Newton of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the the Dairy Producer Margin Protection Program.
Crop Economics Outlook 2014
Professor Gary Schnitkey of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the Farm Economics Outlook for 2014.
Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) in the 2014 Farm Bill
Professor Nick Paulson of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the SCO option in the 2014 Farm Bill.
Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) in the 2014 Farm Bill
Professor Nick Paulson of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the SCO option in the 2014 Farm Bill.
Crop Insurance 2014 Maryland
Professor Gary Schnitkey of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the 2014 crop insurance decision for Maryland.
2014 Farm Bill
Professor Jonathan Coppess of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the 2014 Farm Bill.
2014 Farm Bill
Professor Jonathan Coppess of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the 2014 Farm Bill.
Crop Insurance 2014
Professor Gary Schnitkey of the University of Illinois and farmdoc discusses the 2014 crop insurance decision.