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Crop Insurance Tools

Crop Insurance Premium Calculator

The 2024 iFarm Crop insurance Premium Calculator allows users to develop highly customized estimates of their crop insurance premiums, and compare revenue and yield guarantees across all available crop insurance products and elections for their actual farm case.

Crop Insurance Payment Evaluator

The 2024 iFarm Crop Insurance Payment Evaluator provides helpful information to producers comparing costs and risk reductions across their available crop insurance alternatives.

Price Distribution Tool

The iFARM Price Distribution Tool uses current option market prices to derive estimates of the probability distribution of prices at the expiration of an underlying corn and soybean futures contracts.

Crop Insurance Decision Tool

This program calculates premiums, evaluates insurance payments, and provides historical data useful when making crop insurance decisions for multiple crops. Estimates are for crops in midwest and southeast states. Learn more on the farmdoc Daily crop insurance archive.

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Post Application Coverage Endorsement Tool

This program calculates premiums for PACE: Post Application Coverage Endorsement Insurance.

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ECO/SCO Payment Estimator

With this program, a user can estimate payments for individual farm level crop insurance products in addition to SCO and ECO.

Crop Insurance Summary of Business Tool

This program calculates crop insurance historical use and performance back to 1996.  …

Cover Crop Analyzer

The cover crop project seeks to provide farmers with a practical web-based decision support tool designed to help manage cover crops in their fields. The project makes use of existing research to demonstrate the potential for cover crops, as well as providing useful information for decision making and management of this practice. It will also seek to apply future research on cover crops as results are incorporated into updates and new iterations of the tool. This remains a work in progress with a goal towards adapting with the science.

Margin Protection Tool

With this program, a user can examine the performance of margin protection insurance.

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Crop Insurance Articles

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Loss of US Farmland in the 21st Century: The National Perspective from the Census of Agriculture

Since the 1996 Farm Bill’s seminal policy change that gave farmers the freedom to decide which crops to plant or not plant, land in US farms has declined by 75 million acres or -8%. Most (88%) of the decline occurred in pastureland. It is thus incorrect to equate the loss of farmland to a loss of cropland. Cropland has declined by only -2% while pastureland has declined by -13%. The sizable decline in pastureland is consistent with the growth in confinement animal production.

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2024 Low Returns, Prices, and the Federal Safety Net

A steep decline in prices across years has resulted in low to negative average returns to Midwest farms in 2023 and projected for 2024. Crop insurance programs are not designed to cover the risk of multi-year price declines and current commodity title programs are also expected to provide little relief for these low prices. Modifying commodity title programs to make them more market-responsive would aid in providing relief to farmers.

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Crop Insurance as a Payment Program

Since 1989, the role of crop insurance as a payment program has tripled, even after taking into account the increase in economic cost of production per acre. The increase in crop insurance’s payment function is enough to prompt an important policy question: “Has the US crop insurance program become a payment program that also provides growing season risk coverage or does it remain an insurance program that makes payments triggered by a covered risk event?”

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