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US Average Farm Price Received Database

Average farm price received data, for multiple commodities, in the US for the period 1960 to present. File is Microsoft Excel format.
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lllinois Average Farm Price Received Database

Average farm price received data, for multiple commodities, in the state of Illinois for the period 1960 to present. File is Microsoft Excel format.
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Crop Insurance Premium Calculator

The 2024 iFarm Crop insurance Premium Calculator allows users to develop highly customized estimates of their crop insurance premiums, and compare revenue and yield guarantees across all available crop insurance products and elections for their actual farm case.
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Latest farmdoc Daily Articles

Assessing the Capital Adequacy of U.S. Commercial Banks Participating in Agricultural Lending

In 2023, we witnessed three of the four largest bank failures in US history: First Republic Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank. These high-profile collapses serve as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining adequate capital ratios and implementing effective risk management practices. Despite these high-profile failures, the banking industry has demonstrated resilience and only 1.4% of total banks are on the FDIC’s Problem Bank List.

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How Big is the U.S. Cattle Herd?

With the USDA cancelling its regularly scheduled July cattle inventory report, how big the U.S. cattle herd is is a question that many would like to have answered. Fortunately, historical relationships between changes in prior and subsequent inventories and levels of cow slaughter in between or heifers’ share of cattle on feed offer some indication. Our model incorporating both variables estimates the July 1 U.S. cattle inventory to be 94.2 million head or 1.2% lower than in July 2023.

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US Federal Debt, Interest Outlays, and the Farm Safety Net

Large increases have occurred in US Federal Government debt since the financial crisis of 2008 and in Federal interest outlays since 2016. Debate is likely to intensify over what is the appropriate share of current government spending to devote to past government spending through interest payments on the Federal debt. The likelihood of this debate intensifying will encourage forward progress on the farm bill as it raises the potential for constraints and even cuts in farm safety net spending.

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Performance of SCO and ECO in the Midwest

Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) is a county-level insurance product that adds a band of coverage over the underlying COMBO crop insurance product up to an 86% coverage level.  Enhanced Coverage…

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Post-Pandemic Entrepreneurial Growth

The coronavirus pandemic created many economic hardships, but a resurgent interest in entrepreneurship remains a positive that emerged from this period. Nationwide, new business applications grew 11.7% annually between 2019 and 2023, with the fastest growth during the period occurring in two small states — Wyoming and Delaware. Only Mississippi, Louisiana, and Vermont had fewer new business applications in 2023 than they did in 2022.

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Tenure Characteristics of Illinois Farmland

For the year 2023, farm operators enrolled in FBFM owned 24% of the land they farmed, crop shared 27%, and cash rented 48%. There has been a small but continual shift in types of leases from crop share leases to cash rent leases. From 2019 to 2023, the amount of land crop shared decreased from 32% to 27% while the amount of land cash rented increased from 45% to 48%. The last year where a larger amount of the farmland was crop shared compared to cash rented was in 2006.

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Latest Farm Policy News Articles

Albertsons-Kroger Merger on Hold, Bunge-Viterra Merger Headed for EU Approval

Bloomberg’s Leah Nylen reported Thursday that “a Colorado judge issued an order temporarily blocking the proposed $25 billion merger of Kroger Co. and Albertsons Cos., which has been challenged by…

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Ag-FDA Funding Bill Pulled From House Floor Vote

Politico’s Caitlin Emma and Jennifer Scholtes reported Monday that “House Republicans have pulled two government funding bills scheduled for a floor vote this week, signaling further peril for leadership’s doomed…

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What a Kamala Harris Presidency Could Mean for Ag

Politico’s Grace Yarrow reported Monday that “after Joe Biden’s bombshell announcement Sunday afternoon, a number of DNC delegates and other top Democrats — including the president himself — quickly endorsed…

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Trump Vows to ‘End the Electric Vehicle Mandate’ in GOP Acceptance Speech

In his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention late last week, former President Donald Trump made no direct mention of agriculture, but he touched on a number of issues…

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Low Commodity Prices Hurting Farm Income Outlook

Successful Farming’s Chuck Abbott reported Thursday that “farmers are on track to harvest some of their largest corn and soybean crops ever, but the ongoing decline in commodity prices is…

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Domestic SAF Production Capacity Could Increase by 1400% in 2024

Reuters reported Wednesday that “production capacity of sustainable aviation fuel in the United States could jump by 1400% in 2024 if all announced capacity additions come on line, the U.S.…

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