FAST (Farm Analysis Solution Tools) are a suite of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets designed to assist those in agriculture make better decisions via user-friendly computer programs. FAST aids users in performing financial analysis, assessing investment decisions, and evaluating the impacts of various management decisions.
Complete FAST Tools Catalog
- All Tools
- Farm Management
- Financial Analysis
- Grain Marketing and Management
- Investment Analysis
- Livestock Management
- Loan Analysis
- Risk Management
- Yield and Land Database
This program calculates premiums, evaluates insurance payments, and provides historical data useful when making crop insurance decisions for multiple crops. Estimates are for crops in midwest and southeast states. Learn more on the farmdoc Daily crop insurance archive.…
This program calculates per-acre budgets for different crops and a whole farm budget and includes breakevens. Projected financial statements and return sensitivities are available. The effects of farm level crop insurance and hedging can be analyzed.…
With this program, the user can: 1) estimate the costs of planting corn and soybeans by planting date, 2) estimate the net returns from replanting, 3) prevented planting payments, and 4) compare crop rotations.…
Prepares a quarterly cash flow projection and performs sensitivity analysis.
This program calculates Agricultural Risk Coverage for County Coverage (ARC-CO), Price Loss Coverage (PLC) payments, and ARC at the Individual Level (ARC-IC). County yields and market year average (MYA) prices are brought in for a user-specified state-county-crop combination. Users then can change county yields and prices to see ARC-CO and PLC payments under those yields and prices.…
This program calculates crop insurance historical use and performance back to 1996. …
This program calculates premiums for PACE: Post Application Coverage Endorsement Insurance.
With this program, a user can estimate payments for individual farm level crop insurance products in addition to SCO and ECO.
Analyzes the cost of completing fieldwork and generates machinery costs.…
With this program, a user can examine the performance of margin protection insurance.…
Calculates the cost of feed rations for beef cattle, as well as net income produced per cwt., per cow, and per farm after all costs.
The corn stover budget tool provides estimates of the breakeven price of that the producer would need to receive to cover the costs associated with the harvesting, collection, and storage of the stover.
The miscanthus and swithgrass budget tool provides estimates of the breakeven price of biomass that the producer would need to receive each year to match the returns earned under their current land use.
Worksheet to compute net present value, compare price and terms, evaluate IRR and MIRR for basic capital budgeting/investment analysis programs.
With this program, the user can estimate the amount of CO2 equivalent emissions released from their farming practices and calculate potential carbon sequestration payments for conservation practices.
Contains a worksheet that allows setting of parameters of cash rent with bonus leasing arrangements. The worksheet then calculates cash rents under alternative prices and yields.
Approximates accrual income from schedule F.
The user can calculate, monitor, and evaluate the nearby basis, as well as cash and nearby futures prices for corn and soybeans in a given year.
With this program, the user can calculate the per unit cost of energy and crude protein with the cost of the feed ingredients on an as-fed basis.
Calculates breakeven prices for a dairy operation including group feed cost summaries. A net income summary on a per cwt, per cow, and per farm basis after all costs is also generated.
Provides an estimate of the separation of earned net worth and valuation of market valuation equity.
Estimates costs of production across farm enterprises.
Estimates deferred taxes for financial statement preparation.
Simulate the performance of a dry mill ethanol plant over a 7-year period
Inventory accounting system to track grain inventory from harvest to sale.
Enables the user to: 1) estimate the future distributions of corn and soybean, 2) calculate breakeven prices for storage and compare to projections, and 3) compare net returns of delivering grain to alternative locations and/or months.
Evaluates the feasibility of purchasing a grain bin.
Designed to assist with common computations related to the Illinois Soil Productivity measures and associated predicted yields.
Calculates maximum bid prices for farmland and sensitivity to terms.
Compares lease vs. purchase alternatives and calculates the terms to make the options equivalent in NPV.
Simple loan amortization program calculating principal, interest and outstanding balance.
Compares terms across different loans and evaluates the benefits of refinancing.
Calculates annualized cash flows for different methods of financing machinery acquisitions.
Calculates tax depreciation schedules for depreciable items.
Prepares monthly pro-forma cash flows for an operation.
With this program, the user can project earnings, financial conditions, and break even levels and prices
Prepares a family budget that produces a balance sheet and an income statement.
The user can estimate the cash needs required to meet living, debt and investment payments.
Calculates principal and interest balances for revolving loans.
Calculates how savings accumulates over time and the amount of savings needed to achieve specific targets.
With this program, the user can enter budgets and calculate break even levels for a set of specialty commodities.
Computes interest rate factors and solves basic time value of money problems.
Used to access historic crop yield data for corn, soybeans, and wheat; sortable by state total, county level, and NASS crop reporting district.
Prepares financial statements for a farm based on beginning and ending balance sheets and revenue and expense items.
Evaluates the potential operating loan needs of a farm business by taking a forward look at the business? income, expenses, and cash flow requirements.
With this program, the user can estimate the impact alternative risk management strategies have on gross revenue distributions.