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Illinois Crop Update – June 23, 2023

  • June 23, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Severely Dry (soil is very dry, water bodies are very low, vegetation is stressed)
Another week without a hint of precipitation in most of NE Illinois; soy has basically stopped growing and corn fields are struggling to canopy between rows. My thermometer is registering 99 degrees this afternoon. I truly hope to share a different story next week.  There is concern on how long these crops can hang on before suffering significant yield consequences.…

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Illinois Crop Update | June 16, 2023

  • June 16, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Moderately Dry (soil is dry, plants may be browning or stressed, water bodies are low)
In northeast Illinois fortunate farmers and farms received measurable rain, those that didn’t continue to watch their crops struggle in drought conditions. While most are familiar with a corn plant’s defense mechanism of leaf wrapping to lessen moisture loss, soy has defense mechanisms as well. Under moisture limited conditions or excessive temperature,…

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Illinois Crop Update – June 9, 2023

  • June 9, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Moderately Dry (soil is dry, plants may be browning or stressed, water bodies are low)
Many areas in Northeastern Illinois are experiencing a level of drought conditions. Corn is wrapping in some fields during the day in response to temperatures and lack of moisture. Soybean growth has slowed, and most are hoping for more favorable conditions before applying post herbicides in this crop. …

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Illinois Crop Update – June 2, 2023

  • June 2, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Mildly Dry (soil is drier than normal, plant growth may have slowed)
Northeastern Illinois is turning dry. Post herbicide applications are taking place in corn fields. Despite dry conditions weed growth and diversity of species has been impressive in some fields, including robust vining weeds including burcucumber and morningglory.  Early planted corn is at V6 and Soy at V2. I received reports of heavy alfalfa weevil feeding and below average tonnage from the first cutting of hay in the region. …

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Illinois Crop Update – May 26, 2023

  • May 26, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Mildly Dry (soil is drier than normal, plant growth may have slowed)
Much of Northeastern Illinois has had a precipitation-free week. Soils are drying rapidly. Soy planted just before the most recent rainfall event is struggling to emerge in some fields. The soy hypocotyl cannot push through the crusted soil surface. Fields planted in this time period warrant a field scouting trip to evaluate emerged plant population.…

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Illinois Crop Update – May 19, 2023

  • May 19, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Mildly Wet (soil is wetter than normal, local vegetation is healthy)
Mostly favorable growing conditions in NE Illinois.  Spotty precipitation slowed some farmers who are trying to wrap up the 2023 planting season. Cooler soils slowed some soybean emergence, especially in high residue no-till fields. Those scouting soybean fields have reported some emerging soy exhibiting discolored cotyledons. Likely causes can include stressful emergence conditions,…

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Illinois Crop Update – May 12, 2023

  • May 12, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Mildly Wet (soil is wetter than normal, local vegetation is healthy)
Sunshine and heat, finally! Favorable growing conditions in NE Illinois. The sunshine, warmth, and needed rain gave a boost to both corn and soybean that had been slowly trying to emerge and grow. Despite concerns, I have heard few reports of emergence issues with seed sitting in cool soils for extended periods.…

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Illinois Crop Update – May 5, 2023

  • May 5, 2023

Nick Seiter – Extension Field Crops Entomologist, University of Illinois
Champaign County
Soil Conditions: Mildly Dry
Reports of insect activity so far have focused on large/early flights of black cutworm and true armyworm, likely helped along by storms out of the southwest a couple of weeks ago. Both species are more likely to be a problem if dense vegetation is present in the field; black cutworms are especially attracted to winter annual weeds,…

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