2024 Low Returns, Prices, and the Federal Safety Net
A steep decline in prices across years has resulted in low to negative average returns to Midwest farms in 2023 and projected for 2024. Crop insurance programs are not designed to cover the risk of multi-year price declines and current commodity title programs are also expected to provide little relief for these low prices. Modifying commodity title programs to make them more market-responsive would aid in providing relief to farmers.
Crop Insurance as a Payment Program
Since 1989, the role of crop insurance as a payment program has tripled, even after taking into account the increase in economic cost of production per acre. The increase in crop insurance’s payment function is enough to prompt an important policy question: “Has the US crop insurance program become a payment program that also provides growing season risk coverage or does it remain an insurance program that makes payments triggered by a covered risk event?”
Introducing the Crop Insurance Summary of Business Tool
Information on crop insurance performance is now available in a new spreadsheet tool in the farmdoc FAST Tool lineup. The Crop Insurance Summary of Business Tool provides county-level summaries of…
The farmdoc Crop Insurance section offers iFARM online tools including the Premium Calculator, Payment Evaluator and Price Distribution Tool. These tools are updated annually during the Spring crop insurance election period.