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Flash Droughts and Evapotranspiration

  • June 19, 2024

The high temperatures across the corn belt, coupled with the lack of rainfall in some of the states east of the Mississippi River has farmers concerned. Illinois State Climatologist Trent Ford has this explanation of evapotranspiration under high temperature and high humidity conditions.…

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Illinois Crop Update | June 16, 2023

  • June 16, 2023

Russ Higgins – Extension Commercial Ag Educator
Grundy County
Soil Conditions: Moderately Dry (soil is dry, plants may be browning or stressed, water bodies are low)
In northeast Illinois fortunate farmers and farms received measurable rain, those that didn’t continue to watch their crops struggle in drought conditions. While most are familiar with a corn plant’s defense mechanism of leaf wrapping to lessen moisture loss, soy has defense mechanisms as well. Under moisture limited conditions or excessive temperature,…

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Corn Rootworm Bt Resistance Webinar Today at 11am

  • March 30, 2023

Register for today’s 11am central Webinar
Bt Resistance and Management Recommendations for Illinois
Corn rootworm remains the most economically damaging insect pest of corn in Illinois, though its impact in recent years has primarily been felt in the northern third of the state. The ongoing development of resistance to Bt traits has complicated management decisions for Illinois farmers. Join University of Illinois scientists to discuss the status of rootworm populations and Bt resistance throughout Illinois,…

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