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2022 Applied Research Report now available

Nick Seiter

Department of Crop Sciences
University of Illinois

February 1, 2023
Recommended citation format: Seiter, N.. "2022 Applied Research Report now available." Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, February 1, 2023. Permalink

Image of the cover for the 2022 Applied Research Results Field Crop Disease and Insect Management report. Evaluations of insect and disease control tactics for corn, soybean, and wheat. Statewide surveys of corn and soybean pests. Includes Illinois Extension Block "I" logo.

The 2022 report of Applied Research on field crop insects is now available for download online at The report has a rootworm-heavy emphasis this year, with 12 field evaluations of traits and insecticides, Bt-resistance bioassay results for western and northern corn rootworm, continuing work on entomopathogenic nematodes, and new work evaluating corn rootworm adult sampling methods. In addition, you can find the results of our annual statewide insect survey, additional surveys for corn rootworm adults, dectes stem borer larvae, and soybean gall midge, and a report from the University of Illinois Plant Clinic. We will be distributing print copies at our upcoming Crop Management Conferences and other meetings. Previous reports (2018-2021) are also available at the above link, or at I hope this report is useful to you as you evaluate management decisions on your farm.

Contact: Nick Seiter | | (812) 593-4317

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