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Late-Season Dry Weather and Corn

  • September 11, 2013

The 2013 corn growing season has had its share of ups and downs, with late planting due to early rainfall, more rain in June, and temperatures that were at or below normal most of the season until recent weeks. Pollination conditions were good in most places, with adequate soil moisture and generally good temperatures. By late July most fields were in good shape, with good kernel counts and good canopy color and leaf health.
Much of the crop reached the middle part of August in good shape,…

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Will The Corn and Soybean Crops Get Finished?

  • August 8, 2013

Late planting and weather that continues to be cooler than normal into August has many wondering if the corn and soybean crops will reach maturity and harvest moisture within a reasonable time this fall. Crop conditions remain good for both crops, but crop development, including pod formation and filling in soybean and grain fill in corn, remains well behind normal. Corn is 10 days to 2 weeks behind normal, and soybeans are 2 to 3 weeks behind normal.…

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Check Corn Pollination

  • August 2, 2013

We are starting to get reports that corn pollination might not have been as successful as expected in parts of Illinois. While the weather was generally favorable during the peak period of pollination, it was warm during the third week of July, and soil water may have been limiting during this period in some fields. Thus we would expect to see this in the areas with low rainfall in July.
This is not the lack of silking that we saw in many areas under the drought of 2012.…

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Corn and Soybean Crops at Mid-Season

  • July 20, 2013

The third week of July brought above-normal temperatures to much of Illinois. This is expected to be temporary, with temperatures the fourth week expected to return to normal. Because soils in most areas had enough water to carry the crop through the week, we don’t think the high daytime temperatures were much cause for concern.
By July 14, 21 percent of the Illinois corn crop was pollinating. This included most fields planted before May 10 to 15.…

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2013 Field Day July 16 at Orr Ag Center, Perry

  • July 9, 2013

The 2013 Orr Center Field Day presented by the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois will be held on Tuesday, July 16 at the Orr Center, which is located on Route 104 four miles west of the junction of Illinois Routes 104 and 107.
Tours will start at 9:00 AM, with the second and third groups leaving the headquarters at about 9:20 and 9:40. The tour will take about two hours, and will be followed by lunch provided by UI Extension.…

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Corn Roots, Wet Soils, and Nitrogen

  • June 28, 2013

The June weather pattern in Illinois was variable, and the month is ending with rainfall totals ranging from a little less than normal in parts of western Illinois to nearly double the normal amounts, with some totals as high as 7 to 8 inches, in parts of southeastern and northern Illinois.
While getting rainfall in June is certainly preferable to getting little or none as happened in Illinois in 2012, standing water and wet soils can badly damage a rapidly-growing corn crop.…

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Purple and Yellow Corn Plants

  • June 13, 2013

The corn crop that was planted in May is up and growing in most fields, but there have been numerous reports of fields with uneven plant sizes and colors, including purple and yellow plants. Many are wondering if this will decrease potential yields.
Based on past experience many people expect to see purple corn when soils are cool and dry during early plant growth stages, or in that rare field with low soil test phosphorus levels.…

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How Late Can We Plant Corn and Soybeans?

  • June 11, 2013

The latest report from NASS indicates that 96 percent of the corn and 62 percent of the soybean crop in Illinois had been planted as of June 9. Some of the corn is struggling, however, with 13 percent of the crop rated as poor or very poor. Much of this is due to heavy rainfall, which has caused problems with stands, including areas in fields where the crop has drowned out from standing water. In other cases,…

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Nitrogen and the 2013 Corn Crop

  • May 31, 2013

The NASS report indicated that corn planting in Illinois was 89% complete by May 26. This leaves more left to plant than we’d like, and it’s still wet in some areas, so we expect a long “tail” to corn planting this year, unless some of the acres intended to corn get switched to soybeans.
The rainfall that delayed planting across Illinois this year is also affecting nitrogen fertilizer management. For many, the rush to get the crop planted meant abandoning or modifying plans to apply N before or after planting or before tillage.…

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2013 Field Day Events in Illinois

  • May 14, 2013

It’s been a difficult planting season in Illinois, but crops will eventually be growing this year, and we’ll find both expected and unexpected challenges as we move into the cropping season. Fields days organized by Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois and other institutions will focus on crops and pests, with speakers talking about current crop issues along with information from previous research. Each event will offer CEUs for CCAs.
Following is the schedule of crop-related 2013 field days organized by University of Illinois Crop Sciences and by several other institutions.…

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