article on early season wheat diseases
We just published a new article on early season wheat diseases. Access it by clicking here. …
We just published a new article on early season wheat diseases. Access it by clicking here. …
The Illinois Field Crop Disease Hub is has a new post on Pythium in #corn and #soybean. Click here to view the article. Remember that you can sign up for updates from the disease hub by entering your email on the main page!…
There are many diseases that can impact Illinois #corn production, and several are caused by pathogens that impact the foliage. When foliage is damaged by pathogens, carbon and nutrient delivery to developing/filling grain can be reduced, limiting yields. Examples of foliar diseases include grey leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, southern and common rust, Diplodia leaf streak, bacterial leaf streak, Goss’s wilt, and tar spot. Which foliar disease is the biggest issue for you?
To participate in a brief poll,…
The 2020 fungicide efficacy tables for corn and soybean are now available on the Illinois Field Crop disease hub. Click this link for more information.…
We have posted some new materials (along with cool visual aids) on basics of integrated disease management. Hopefully this information will be useful to you during this busy meeting season. Click here to view this post.
Remember you can sign up for updates to the Illinois Field Crop Disease Hub
Dr. Nathan Kleczewski Extension Field Crop Pathologist UIUC…
With meeting season going full blast, you will be seeing a slew of data pertaining to disease management and the efficacy of various disease management products. We posted some general tips to keep in mind at the Illinois Field Crop Disease Hub that can be viewed HERE.
Remember that you can sign up for Hub updates (Hubdates?) by entering your email information on the main page.
Nathan Kleczewski- Field Crop Plant Pathologist and Extension Specialist-UIUC…
What do you need to know for the 2020 growing season? The University of Illinois will address several key topics at four regional conferences around the state in January and February. The meetings will provide a forum for discussion and interaction between participants, University of Illinois researchers, and Extension educators.
Conference dates and locations are:
Jan. 22 DoubleTree by Hilton, Mount Vernon
Jan. 29 Brookens Auditorium at University of Illinois, Springfield
Last year we started a project focusing on determining origins of Phyllachora maydis, the causal agent of tar spot of corn, in the United States. As part of this project, we need to collect Phyllachora species from different hosts and areas. Today I went for a lunchtime walk and was able to find Phyllachora spp. on four different grass hosts. Note the large, somewhat raised stroma that follow the veins on most occasions. …
It happens every year.
A field is about to be harvested and something is awry. Perhaps the plants are lodged, ears are poorly filled, or pods shrunken. What happened to my crop?
From a plant disease perspective, it is nearly impossible to provide any useful information to the producer. Many pathogens that can cause crop diseases are also excellent saprophytes. That means they utilize dead or dying plant tissues for nourishment. Consequently, when plants prematurely senesce,…
Tar spot was a minor nuisance in Illinois this year, with many areas only affected to a mild degree. Why did we see less tar spot in 2019 and what does this mean for 2020? Click here to read the new article posted on the Illinois Field Crop Disease Hub.…