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US Average Farm Price Received Database

About This Tool

Average farm price received data, for multiple commodities, in the US for the period 1960 to present. These historical price series are often useful for long-range planning. Seven commodities are included in the tool: corn, soybeans, wheat, barrows and gilts, steers and heifers, calves and milk. It is important to note that the prices represent the average price actually received by farmers, and therefore, may be different from average prices offered by the market. File is Microsoft Excel format.

Data Sources

The source for the data is the National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS) of the US Department of Agriculture. Annual average prices are based on calendar years for all commodities. Seasonal average prices are computed only for corn, soybeans and wheat and are based on marketing years (Sep-Aug: corn and soybeans; Jun-May: wheat.)

How to Use This Tool

To view the data in MS Excel, download the XLSX file.

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