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Wheat disease updates in Illinois

  • May 6, 2020

Wheat development in most in Southern Illinois fields is between Feekes growth stage (FGS) 9-10.5.1. Wheat in the central portion of the stage varies from FGS 6-9.
Stripe rust was detected in Eastern Madison County as of 5.5.20, and conditions are favorable for disease development and spread.  This is a cool season disease that loves wet weather and temperatures in the high 40’s through the mid 60’s.  Fields should be scouted for the disease, keeping in mind that it often starts in small pockets,…

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What foliar corn diseases are your biggest concerns?

  • March 17, 2020

There are many diseases that can impact Illinois #corn production, and several are caused by pathogens that impact the foliage.  When foliage is damaged by pathogens, carbon and nutrient delivery to developing/filling grain can be reduced, limiting yields.  Examples of foliar diseases include grey leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, southern and common rust, Diplodia leaf streak, bacterial leaf streak, Goss’s wilt, and tar spot.  Which foliar disease is the biggest issue for you?
To participate in a brief poll,…

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General information on plant disease management

  • January 20, 2020

We have posted some new materials (along with cool visual aids) on basics of integrated disease management.  Hopefully this information will be useful to you during this busy meeting season.  Click here to view this post.
Remember you can sign up for updates to the Illinois Field Crop Disease Hub
Dr. Nathan Kleczewski Extension Field Crop Pathologist UIUC…

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Efficacy vs management trials

  • January 19, 2020

With meeting season going full blast, you will be seeing a slew of data pertaining to disease management and the efficacy of various disease management products.  We posted some general tips to keep in mind at the Illinois Field Crop Disease Hub that can be viewed HERE.
Remember that you can sign up for Hub updates (Hubdates?) by entering your email information on the main page.
Nathan Kleczewski- Field Crop Plant Pathologist and Extension Specialist-UIUC…

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