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2019 Applied Research Results, Field Crop Disease and Insect Management now available

  • January 7, 2020
  • Nick Seiter

The 2019 edition of our annual report on applied research in field crop disease and insect management can be downloaded at the following link:
Each year, University of Illinois plant pathologists and entomologists produce a summary of the applied research we have conducted to inform disease and insect management practices in Illinois. This information provides a non-biased, third-party evaluation of control tactics such as pesticides and resistant varieties for use in corn,…

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UIUC Field Crop Extension Conferences- Sign up today!

  • December 19, 2019
  • Nathan Kleczewski

What do you need to know for the 2020 growing season? The University of Illinois will address several key topics at four regional conferences around the state in January and February. The meetings will provide a forum for discussion and interaction between participants, University of Illinois researchers, and Extension educators.
Conference dates and locations are:
Jan. 22 DoubleTree by Hilton, Mount Vernon
Jan. 29 Brookens Auditorium at University of Illinois, Springfield

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Looking for Phyllachora samples on grasses- need your help!

  • November 4, 2019
  • Nathan Kleczewski

Last year we started a project focusing on determining origins of Phyllachora maydis, the causal agent of tar spot of corn, in the United States.  As part of this project, we need to collect Phyllachora species from different hosts and areas.  Today I went for a lunchtime walk and was able to find Phyllachora spp. on four different grass hosts.  Note the large, somewhat raised stroma that follow the veins on most occasions. …

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Harvest time is not the time to determine if a disease affected your crop

  • October 30, 2019
  • Nathan Kleczewski

It happens every year.
A field is about to be harvested and something is awry.  Perhaps the plants are lodged, ears are poorly filled, or pods shrunken.  What happened to my crop?
From a plant disease perspective, it is nearly impossible to provide any useful information to the producer.  Many pathogens that can cause crop diseases are also excellent saprophytes.  That means they utilize dead or dying plant tissues for nourishment.  Consequently, when plants prematurely senesce,…

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Late season tar spot- what is on the horizon?

  • September 4, 2019
  • Nathan Kleczewski

There has been some chatter about tar spot starting up a bit in Northern Illinois corn fields.
However, crops are almost at R5 in many places.  What options do we have and what can you expect?  Check out our new post on the Illinois Field Crop Disease Hub by clicking here.  Remember to sign up at the website for updates and look forward to new materials such as factsheets, images, and guides by Spring,…

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Diagrams to help you rate foliar disease on corn

  • August 19, 2019
  • Nathan Kleczewski

Many in the agricultural community, as well as researchers annually rate corn for disease as a means to assess hybrid response, hybrid effectiveness, or potential disease level on field productivity.  It can be difficult to rain the eye to accurately measure disease on foliage, and differences in the type and size of the structure or lesion associated with the pathogen varies significantly.  The four links below will direct you to disease area diagrams we developed in order to help you obtain accurate disease severity estimates in your fields.…

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