Listen to the All Day Ag Outlook Presentations

March 7, 2023 University of Illinois Extension hosted a farmer conference at the Beef House in Covington, Indiana. The All Day Ag Outlook has been held annually since 1991. This year’s event showcased U of I College of ACES farmdoc team members, WILLAg On Air market analysts, the Illinois FBFM, agricultural weather, and John Deere computer intelligence. We are hopeful you find the linked audio presentations from the day insightful. These files have been compiled into a single playlist which you may use to review or share the content.
Each day this week excerpts from the presentations will also air during the Closing Market Report radio broadcasts. Those, too, will be posted to the podcast feed. You may find both the playlist and the podcast feed on the WILLAg homepage. Direct links to each are listed below.
Todd Gleason, WILLAg Farm Broadcaster
University of Illinois Extension
College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences or 217-333-9697
WILLAg Homepage
Full Playlist Link
Closing Market Report Podcast