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Be Alert for Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa: New Pest Profile Published Recently

Michael Gray
May 27, 2014
Recommended citation format: Gray, M.. "Be Alert for Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa: New Pest Profile Published Recently." Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 27, 2014. Permalink

Reports of potato leafhoppers in alfalfa typically begin to increase in late May and early June. Many entomologists consider potato leafhoppers to be the most significant economic insect threat to profitable alfalfa production. Recently a team of entomologists from the University of Wisconsin, the Illinois Natural History Survey, and the USDA ARS authored a peer-reviewed pest profile of potato leafhoppers. This profile offers up-to-date information on the biology, life cycle, injury, hosts, and management options for this key pest in alfalfa. Within the management portion of the publication, detailed information on the following topics is provided: scouting, economic thresholds and foliar insecticides, cultural control options, and host plant resistance.

I encourage alfalfa producers to begin scouting their fields for potato leafhoppers and check out this new resource.

Mike Gray

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