Ewing Demonstration Center Fall Cover Crop Field Day – Nov. 3
Join us for our Fall Cover Crop Field Day at the University of Illinois Extension Ewing Demonstration Center on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Included in the afternoon field day will be a discussion of the on-going cover crop research, including a tour of the annual cover crop variety trial with over 20 differ-ent cover crop plots. New this year is an evaluation of the performance of 3 new clover varieties in southern Illinois ahead of corn. The Ewing Demonstration Center is located about 20 miles south of Mt. Vernon at 16132 N. Ewing Rd; Ewing, IL 62836, on the north edge of the village of Ewing, north of the Ewing Grade School on north Ewing Road. Watch for signs.
This field day is also held in conjunction with a Soil Health/Cover Crop Field Day held on the evening of the evening of the 3rd and the 4th of November at the Terry N. Taylor Farm, 101 South St. Geff, Il. This program is sponosored by the Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation District. Please contact them to register and for more information about this portion of the event at (618) 842-7602 ext 3.
The field day is free and open to anyone interested and lunch will be provided. For additional information, contact Nathan Johanning at 618-687-1727 or njohann@illinois.edu or Marc Lamczyk at 618-439-3178 or lamczyk@illinois.edu.