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Oct 29/30 Red Flag Warning Issued for Illinois & Indiana

Todd Gleason

Extension Farm Broadcaster
University of Illinois

October 29, 2024
Recommended citation format: Gleason, T.. "Oct 29/30 Red Flag Warning Issued for Illinois & Indiana." Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 29, 2024. Permalink

Meteorologist Andrew Pritchard provides Red Flag Warning information for University of Illinois licensed radio station WILL AM580.


A Red Flag Warning has been issued for parts of Illinois and Indiana for today and tomorrow by the National Weather Service. Farmers are urged to be careful with machinery and prepare for the increased possibility of field fires.

Red Flag Warnings are issued when the following conditions exist.

– Ten-hour fuels of 8% or less. This parameter describes how much water is held by small vegetation such as grass, leaves, and mulch that take only about ten hours to respond to changes in dry/wet conditions.

-Relative humidity (RH) less than 25% for several hours. RH depicts how much water is in the air, relative to the temperature of the air.

-Winds 20 feet off the ground of at least 15 mph for several hours.


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