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Assessing the risk of white mold (Sclerotinia stem rot) of soybean in 2013

  • July 22, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

White mold of soybean (a.k.a. Sclerotinia stem rot), caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a disease that can occur in the northern half of the state in cool, wet years.  The most recent white mold epidemic in Illinois occurred during the 2009 season, where several fields in the northern half of the state were affected.
The white mold fungus overwinters in the soil as, small, black, and dense structures known as sclerotia. …

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Brownstown Agronomy Research Center Field Day – July 25

  • July 15, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

The 2013 Brownstown Agronomy Research Center Field Day, presented by the University Of Illinois Department Of Crop Sciences, will be held on Thursday, July 25. Extension researchers and specialists will address issues pertinent to the current growing season. Tours will start at 8 a.m., with the second and third groups leaving the headquarters around 8:20 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. The tours will last about two and a half hours and will be followed by lunch provided by U of I Extension.…

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Controlling Large Horseweed and Waterhemp in Soybean

  • July 3, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

The volume of inquiries about how to control large (taller than 12 inches) horseweed (a.k.a. marestail) and waterhemp in soybean has remained consistent over the past 10 days.  The answer can be summarized as follows: there are NO postemergence herbicides that will consistently control these very large weeds in soybean, especially if these weeds are resistant to glyphosate.
Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp can be controlled by foliar-applied PPO inhibitors (such as lactofen (Cobra), fomesafen (Flexstar) or acifluorfen (Ultra Blazer)) in conventional or glyphosate-resistant soybean varieties,…

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Count Down to the Northwestern Agricultural Research Center Field Day

  • July 2, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

Preparations are underway for the 32nd Annual University of Illinois’ Northwestern Agricultural Research Center Field Day. The program will begin at 8 am on Wednesday, July 17th.
Buses will carry members of the public to different stops in the research center where specialists from the University of Illinois’ Department of Crop Sciences or Extension personnel will present their most current crop and pest management research and recommendations.
Topics and speakers include:
Identification and management of Goss’s wilt of corn –…

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Stormy weather and Goss’s wilt go hand in hand

  • July 2, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

Goss’s wilt of corn often is most severe after fields are exposed to high winds and/or hail damage, because the causal bacterium, Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis, readily infects corn leaves through wounds.  With the recent storm activity across the state, growers should be on the lookout for the appearance of Goss’s wilt symptoms.  Goss’s wilt lesions on the leaves generally have wavy margins with a water-soaked appearance on the edges of the lesions. …

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Reminder…University of Illinois Weed Science Field Research Tour

  • June 19, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

We would like to take this opportunity to once again extend the invitation to attend the 2013 University of Illinois Weed Science Field Day, to be held Wednesday, June 26th at the University of Illinois Crop Sciences Research and Education Center, located immediately south of the main campus.  Coffee and refreshments will be available under the shade trees near the Seed House beginning at 8:00 a.m.  The tour will provide ample opportunity to look at research plots and interact with weed science faculty,…

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Screening Waterhemp for Herbicide Resistance

  • June 17, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

We are pleased to announce that, with continued financial support from the Illinois Soybean Association, we are offering free screening for herbicide resistance in waterhemp during the 2013 growing season.  To date, over 1000 plant samples have been screened through this collaborative effort between the weed science program at the University of Illinois and the Illinois Soybean Association.  This valuable service helps farmers and researchers better track and understand the evolution of herbicide resistance in waterhemp across the state.…

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Dates and Locations for the 2014 University of Illinois Corn & Soybean Classics

  • June 11, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

The dates and locations for the 2014 University of Illinois Corn & Soybean Classics are set for next January.  Our next series of meetings marks the 17th year of the Classics and will continue the program’s tradition of providing our clientele with the most current and timely information related to crop production, marketing and pest management.
The dates and meeting locations for the 2014 Corn & Soybean Classics are:
▸ January 6 (Monday): Champaign I Hotel and Conference Center
▸ January 7 (Tuesday): Mt.…

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Wheat scab rearing its ugly “head”

  • June 10, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

Head scab of wheat (a.k.a. Fusarium head blight) is showing up in Illinois wheat fields.  Incidence is ranging from low (less than 10% of the heads affected) to moderately high (over 25% of the heads affected).  Affected wheat heads will appear “bleached” in color.  Heads often are partially affected, with both healthy green and affected bleached areas being present in the same head.  Although I have not been in all wheat production areas in the state,…

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Is it Waterhemp or Palmer Amaranth?

  • June 5, 2013
  • Aaron Hager

Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) is a summer annual broadleaf weed species taxonomically related to other pigweed species (waterhemp, smooth, redroot) common in Illinois agronomic cropping systems.  Palmer amaranth is not indigenous to Illinois, but rather evolved as a desert-dwelling species in the southwestern United States including areas of the Sonoran Desert.  Genotypic and phenotypic adaptability have allowed Palmer amaranth to expand its distribution and colonize the vastly different agricultural landscapes across much of the eastern half of the United States,…

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