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Physoderma Brown Spot and Node Rot in Corn

  • August 10, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Those of you who follow me on Twitter (@ILplantdoc) likely noticed numerous photos that I posted earlier in the season of Physoderma brown spot and node rot (PBS) on corn.  Over the last week, I have had several calls about this disease, and reports indicate it was more prevalent than usual,…

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Spray Decisions for Frogeye Leaf Spot in Soybeans

  • July 27, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Soybeans throughout the state are maturing and consequently, many people have been asking questions about the need to make a fungicide application for suppressing frogeye leaf spot (FLS) in soybeans.
Frogeye leaf spot is caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora sojina.  The pathogen can survive and overwinter in infested soybean residue for 2+ years,…

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Be on the lookout for Tar Spot on Corn

  • July 5, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Today we received reports of Tar spot appearing in corn grown in Illinois.  We are currently studying tar spot of corn in the United States, and are requesting that any CCA, producer, or ag professional that encounters this disease, even if outside of Illinois, please send samples to Diane Plewa at the University of Illinois Plant Diagnostic Clinic.…

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Concerned about White mold? Check out #Sporecaster

  • June 27, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
White mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is one of the most problematic diseases impacting soybean production in the northern portion of Illinois.  Fungicides can be used to suppress this disease; however, the optimal timing for fungicide application, or the need for a fungicide application,…

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Tips to help you make fungicide decisions

  • June 22, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Every year we hear about fungicides, and their utility in agronomic production systems.  Indeed, these products can be an extremely useful tool to prevent yield-related losses resulting from fungal diseases.  However, reduced commodity prices are making it crucial for producers to minimize inputs in order to maximize profits. …

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I used a seed treatment. Why did I get seedling disease?

  • June 15, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
After the recent deluge that moved through parts of the state, some Illinois soybean producers have been hit hard with seedling diseases.  A common question many people are asking is, “I used a seed treatment, so why am I having problems with seedling diseases?”
Seed treatments are popular in soybean production systems. …

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Seedling diseases of soybeans

  • June 1, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Soybeans have started to emerge, and as you may expect, this is a prime time to scout fields for early season seedling diseases.  Seedling diseases are caused primarily by fungi or fungal like organisms that , under the correct conditions (moisture, temperature, susceptible variety) can colonize the seed or germinating seedling and cause the seedling to die before it reaches the soil surface,…

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Glume Blotch in Wheat

  • May 24, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
This week we have had several reports of Stagonospora glume blotch in wheat.  This is a fairly common disease that is caused by the fungus Stagonospora (or Parastagonosporanodorum.
The fungus overwinters in/on previously infested wheat residue, and can also be found in infected seed. …

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Tips on diagnosing diseases and other issues in the field

  • May 19, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Now that the field season is upon us, it is a good time to go over some tips and tricks for diagnosing field issues.  One item that I always mention to CCA’s and others involved in field-level work is that identifying a disease in the field is not always straight forward. …

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Tips for optimal use of FHB Risk Tool

  • May 10, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
One of the hallmarks of the United States Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative was the development of the Fusarium Head Blight Prediction tool (or FHB Risk Tool).  This tool represents over 15 years of research conducted by plant pathologists around the country.  Several versions of the tool have been made available,…

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