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When scouting soybeans, don’t just scout the foliage

  • May 3, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a disease of concern for soybean producers in Illinois and the surrounding region.  The disease is caused by a soilborne fungus (Fusarium vilguliforme) that persists season to season in soybean residue and as resistant spores.  Fields affected with SDS may have stand issues early in the season and develop interveinal chlorosis or necrosis (yellow or brown foliage with veins remaining green) after R3. …

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Cool season viruses in wheat

  • April 14, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Currently, most small grains are approaching jointing or just past jointing in many parts of the state.  Now is the time that you most likely will start to see early season viral diseases in some fields, specifically Wheat Soilborne Mosaic Virus and Wheat Spindle Streak Virus.…

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Stripe Rust of Wheat on the Move

  • April 11, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
Stripe rust was reported out of Gallatin County this morning.  It is important that you understand this disease and how it works, so that you can make the appropriate management decisions.  This article will discuss the pathogen that causes the disease, symptoms, and some general management guidelines.…

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Wheat Head Blight – Thoughts on Managing DON

  • April 9, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
It is a little early to be discussing Fusarium head blight (FHB) , but it is something that always seems to come up in conversation.  Currently our wheat has yet to to hit jointing, and it will be a while before we are at the flowering stage. …

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Seed Quality Issues a Concern in 2019 Soybeans

  • February 8, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
This year many in the Illinois agricultural community have had questions and concerns regarding soybean seed quality.  If you recall, many areas in Illinois suffered from persistent late-season rains which delayed harvest by several weeks.  Unfortunately, these wet conditions also favored infection of soybean seed by fungal diseases. …

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New Tar Spot Publication Available!

  • February 8, 2018

The following is posted on behalf of Dr. Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crops Pathologist for Growmark. This content is from the Field Crop Disease Hub webpage Dr. Kleczewski curated. 
A new tar spot publication is now available through the Crop Protection Network.  This publication includes our current knowledge of the disease and management.  To access the CPN library click here.  Then, scroll down and click on the tar spot link.…

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