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Illinois Crops Update 7.8.22

  • July 8, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Aaron Hager, Extension Weeds Specialist, University of Illinois
We received multiple reports of poor waterhemp control following application of postemergence soybean herbicides.…

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Illinois Crops Update 7/1/2022

  • July 1, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Emerson Nafziger, Agronomy Extension Specialist, University of Illinois
Although rain fell in many places in central and northern Illinois last weekend (June 25-26) this week’s drought map shows even more of Illinois in “abnormally dry”…

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EVENT: 2022 Ag Field Day at Monmouth Research Farm

  • June 30, 2022

The Northwest Illinois Agriculture Research and Demonstration Center outside of Monmouth, Illinois will be holding an Ag Field Day on July 27 this year. The program will run from 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Presenters for the field day are Nick Seiter, Emerson Nafziger, Trent Ford, Phillip Alberti, and Greg Steckel. Topics will include corn rootworm, nitrogen management, climate trends, hemp, and corn/soybean planting dates. The program is free to attend, and water/light refreshments will be provided.…

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Illinois Crops Update 6/24/22

  • June 24, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Nick Seiter, Extension Field Crops Entomologist, University of Illinois
I’m receiving more reports of stink bugs than I typically do,…

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Illinois Crops Update 6/17/2022

  • June 17, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Aaron Hager, Extension Weeds Specialist, University of Illinois
The last day to apply dicamba-containing products to dicamba-resistant soybean is Monday,…

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Illinois Crops Update 6/10/2022

  • June 10, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Aaron Hager, Extension Weeds Specialist, University of Illinois
Residual herbicides applied with postemergence soybean herbicides also can reduce the need for a second postemergence application.…

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Illinois Crops Update 6/3/2022

  • June 3, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Nick Seiter, field crops entomology Extension specialist, University of Illinois
I’ve received a report of some economic stand losses from black cutworm in the area around Effingham County;…

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Illinois Crops Update 5/27/2022

  • May 27, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Nick Seiter, field crops entomology Extension specialist, University of Illinois
There have been relatively few early-season insect problems reported so far.…

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Illinois Crops Update 5/20/2022

  • May 20, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Nick Seiter, field crops entomology Extension specialist, University of Illinois
I have received few reports of insect damage to date,…

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Illinois Crops Update 5/13/2022

  • May 13, 2022

Welcome to the first weekly crops update from Illinois Extension. Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful, and if you have any questions or suggestions about the format, please email me (
Emerson Nafziger, agronomy specialist and professor emeritus Dept. of Crop Sciences
While we welcome the warm weather that has dried fields and enabled a lot of planting this week,…

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