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Early Registration Open for Bi-State Crop Advantage Conferences

Aaron Hager
December 20, 2015
Recommended citation format: Hager, A.. "Early Registration Open for Bi-State Crop Advantage Conferences." Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, December 20, 2015. Permalink



This January Extension Specialists from both Iowa State University and the University of Illinois will present some of the latest research-based information on crop production and management issues at two Bi-State Crop Advantage Conferences:

January 8 in Burlington, IA and January 29 in Moline, IL.

Certified Crop Advisers can earn up to 6 hours of CEU credit. Re-certification credit is also offered to Iowa private pesticide applicators. Advance registration, no later than one week before the conference, is $50 per person. Late and on-site registration is $60.


Click here to view the January 8, 2016, Burlington, IA conference agenda.
Click here to register for the January 8, 2016, Burlington, IA conference.

Click here to view the January 29, Moline, IL conference agenda.
Click here to register for the January 29, Moline, IL conference.

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