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Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center Agronomy Day, July 17th

Aaron Hager
June 27, 2019
Recommended citation format: Hager, A.. "Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center Agronomy Day, July 17th." Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 27, 2019. Permalink

MONMOUTH, Ill. – The Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center will host a Field Day on Wednesday, July 17. Join University of Illinois Department of Crop Sciences faculty, researchers, students, and Extension specialists as they address issues pertinent to the 2019 growing season.

The program will begin promptly on Wednesday, July 17 at 8:00 a.m. and is open to the public at no cost. Refreshments and BBQ sandwiches will be available at the end of the tour.

Weather permitting, presentations will take place outside next to research plots. Participants will board buses to tour portions of the farm.

Field Day topics include:

  • Sizing Up the 2019 Corn and Soybean Crops – Dr. Emerson Nafziger
  • Insect management in corn and soybean – Dr. Nick Seiter
  • Updates in Applied Disease Management in Illinois – Dr. Nathan Kleczewski
  • 2019 Weed Management Update – Doug Maxwell and Charlie Mitsdarfer
  • Overview of Industrial Hemp Production in Illinois – Phillip Alberti

Certified Crop Advisors may earn two continuing education units. (1.0 – CM, 1.5 – IPM)

The Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center is a 320-acre facility, established in 1980. The Center is located 1 mile North and 4 miles West of Monmouth at 321 210th Avenue. Each year, more than 40 different projects are conducted by campus-based project leaders and the center superintendent.

Source: Greg Steckel, 309-734-7459,

Date: June 27, 2019

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