One More Call for Soybean Production Information
A number of times over the past 30 months I’ve asked Illinois soybean producers for help in gathering field-level information on soybean fields to feed into a study, led by the University of Nebraska and funded by the North Central Soybean Research Program, looking at weather, soil, and management effects soybean yield over the Corn Belt.
The last growing season from which we are collecting information is 2017, so this is probably the last time I’ll ask. As we have done for the last year, we are offering a $50 gift card for those who fill out and return forms from 2016 and 2017.
We are not asking for detailed information – only the location of each field, yield level, and a little production information such as planting date, seeding rate, etc. We’d like information on four fields from each of the past two season from each producer if possible.
If you can help us in this effort, please download the PDF forms at – there are four pages, one an example with a little explanation, one is the gift card request form, and there is one page each for 2016 and 2017, with space on each for information from four fields. If it’s easier, you can email me and I’ll email the forms . We can send also forms by mail if anyone needs that.
Forms can be filled on the computer or printed and filled out by hand, then scanned and returned as email attachments or sent by mail.
We have fallen short of the number of fields in this project each of the first three years, and I’d really appreciate everyone’s help to get to reach goal this time. We’d like information from fields all over Illinois. Students (who might have special interest in the gift card), vo-ag classes, farmers, company agronomists, sales people – all can help with this effort.
Thanks in advance for your help on this. Let me know if you have questions.