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2014 Field Day August 7 at Dixon Springs Ag Center

  • July 22, 2014
  • Aaron Hager

The 2014 Dixon Springs Agronomy and Horticulture Field Day presented by the University of Illinois, Department of Crop Sciences will be held on Thursday, August 7 at the Dixon Springs Ag Center.  The research center is located on IL Route 145, near Glendale, IL, 25 miles south of Harrisburg and 25 miles north of Paducah, KY.
Tours will start at 9:00 AM with the final bus leaving at 9:30. A lunch to follow will be provided by sponsors and UI Extension.…

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Brownstown Agronomy Research Center Field Day – August 6

  • July 22, 2014
  • Aaron Hager

The 2014 Brownstown Agronomy Research Center Field Day, presented by the University Of Illinois Department Of Crop Sciences, will be held on Wednesday, August 6. Extension researchers and specialists will address issues pertinent to the current growing season. The tour will start at 8 a.m. and will last about two and a half hours. It will be followed by lunch provided by U of I Extension.
Shaded tour wagons will take participants to each stop. These topics will be addressed:

  • N Fertilizer for Soybean:  Where’s the Yield?

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2014 Field Day July 16 at Orr Ag Center, Perry

  • July 6, 2014
  • Emerson Nafziger

The 2014 Orr Agricultural Center Field Day presented by the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois will be held on Wednesday, July 16 at the Orr Center, which is located roughly halfway between Jacksonville and Quincy on Route 104, four miles west of the junction of Illinois Routes 104 and 107.
The first tour group will start out at 9:00 AM, with the second and third groups leaving the headquarters at about 9:20 and 9:40.…

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Assessing the risk of white mold (Sclerotinia stem rot) of soybean in 2014

  • June 30, 2014
  • Aaron Hager

White mold of soybean (a.k.a. Sclerotinia stem rot), caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a disease that can occur in the northern half of the state in cool, wet years.  The most recent, widespread white mold epidemic in Illinois occurred during the 2009 season, where several fields in the northern half of the state were affected.  In some of the northern-most areas of Illinois, white mold can be considered a more consistent problem.…

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Remember the European Corn Borer?

  • June 30, 2014
  • Michael Gray

The European corn borer, once regarded as a major and consistent insect pest, is now only rarely observed in most commercial cornfields across the Corn Belt. William “Bill” Luckmann, longtime retired and well known entomologist, once mentioned that he had only observed two cornfields “totally destroyed” by insects — “once by chinch bugs and once by European corn borers.”
Gray, M.E. & W.H. Luckmann. 1994. Integrating the cropping system for corn insect pest management. Chapter 12,…

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July 15th Field Day at University of Illinois’ Research Center in Monmouth

  • June 30, 2014
  • Aaron Hager

The program is set for the 33rd annual University of Illinois’ Northwestern Agricultural Research Center Field Day. The program will begin at 8 am on Tuesday, July 15th.
Buses will carry members of the public to different stops in the research center where campus-based specialists or Extension personnel will present the results of crop and pest management research and current recommendations.
Topics and speakers will include:

  • Stewardship of dicamba and 2,4-D resistant soybean Mark Bernards—Assistant Professor of Agronomy,

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Japanese Beetles and Silk Clipping: New Research on an Old Foe

  • June 27, 2014
  • Michael Gray

On June 18, Robert Bellm, Commercial Agriculture Educator, observed Japanese beetles in Madison County, Illinois. Overall this season, I’ve received very few reports regarding this insect. With corn now rapidly growing into the late-whorl stage in many areas of the state, attention will soon begin to focus on protecting the pollination process from insect injury (silk clipping). Recently, some research was published concerning the effect that silk clipping by Japanese beetles had on the yield of corn.…

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Western Corn Rootworm Adult Emergence Underway in East Central Illinois

  • June 27, 2014
  • Michael Gray

Joe Spencer, Associate Research Professor, Illinois Natural History Survey, indicates that his research crew observed a male western corn rootworm adult in his plots northeast of Urbana on June 26. Males generally emerge before the females. Earlier today (June 27), Joe and his students found five western corn rootworm adults in refuge corn. It took them about 1 1/2 hours to find these beetles, so, emergence is just underway. In addition, Joe has found significant root injury on several of the refuge plants.…

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Wheat scab rearing its ugly “head” again in 2014

  • June 16, 2014
  • Aaron Hager

Head scab of wheat (a.k.a. Fusarium head blight) is showing up in the southern portion of Illinois.  In many cases, incidence is moderate to high (over 50% of the heads affected).  Affected wheat heads will appear “bleached” in color.  Heads often are partially affected, with both healthy green and affected bleached areas being present in the same head.  Although I have not been in all wheat production areas in the state, my general observations are that fields in southern Illinois (south of Interstate 70) range from a moderate to high incidence of scab. …

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Low Numbers of Soybean Aphids Found in Spring Survey

  • June 6, 2014
  • Michael Gray

Once again, Drs. Dave Voegtlin (retired entomologist, Illinois Natural History Survey) and Dave Hogg (Professor of Entomology, University of Wisconsin) conducted their annual spring survey of soybean aphids. From May 12-17, they looked for soybean aphids on the primary host — common buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica. At some sampling locations, they also examined the glossy buckthorn, Frangula alnus. The overall assessment by these entomologists — there were fewer soybean aphids this spring as compared with the previous 2 years.…

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