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Illinois to host crop sciences field day near Monmouth in July

  • July 6, 2018

MONMOUTH, Ill. – The Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center near Monmouth has scheduled a field day for July 18. University of Illinois crop sciences faculty, researchers, students, and Extension specialists will address issues pertinent to the 2018 growing season.
The program will begin promptly at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, July 18, and is open to the public at no cost.
Weather permitting, presentations will take place outside next to research plots. Participants will board buses to tour portions of the farm.…

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Crop conditions and potential in mid-June

  • June 14, 2018

Warm temperatures continue in Illinois, with growing degree day (GDD) accumulations since May 1 running from 150 above average in northern Illinois to about 250 GDD above average in the rest of the state. With GDD accumulations of 900 to 1,000 since May 1, the corn crop planted in early May is at V10 to V14, about 30 to 60 inches tall, and needing only about 350 to 450 more GDD to tassel and silking. With daily accumulations at about 25 GDD,…

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A fast start for the 2018 crop

  • May 18, 2018

We worried our way through the cool month of April, with 32 percent of corn and only 7 percent of soybean acres planted by April 29, and nothing emerged. During the first two weeks of May, the weather was warmer and drier than normal, and adding together corn and soybeans, Illinois farmers planted more than a million acres for each of the 10.3 “days suitable for fieldwork” between April 29 and May 13.
By May 13,…

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Insect Trapping Update:Week Ending May 11, 2018

  • May 11, 2018

Black cutworm
Black cutworm moth flights continue across much of Illinois. Several counties reported second -and even third- significant moth flights (Madison, Champaign, and Lee). Several counties had near significant flights (Piatt and Coles). It is important to remember that lack of a reported significant flight and subsequent projected cutting dates does not take black cutworm out of the equation in your area. I have had reported of 1st-2nd instar feeding and even a report of 3rd-4th instar cutting in a couple areas of the state.…

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Insect Observations/Trap Data for the Week Ending 4/27/18

  • April 27, 2018

Spring insect activity is off to a slow start, but is expected to pick up with the recent warming trend.
Piatt, Madison, Montgomery, and Sangamon counties all recorded significant moth flights this week. Projected potential cutting dates are identified in the map below. Remember, these dates are just estimates, scouting should occur before and after the potential cutting dates.
True armyworm numbers have been very low. Armyworm traps are just getting going, so reports for this week are broken down into a general area of the state.…

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The 2018 small grains fungicide sheet is now available

  • April 20, 2018

We have published the 2018 small grain fungicide recommendation guide.  Please find a link to the guide and more information at the Illinois Field Crop Disease blog, which can be accessed by clicking here
Email alerts to new posts on the Illinois Field Crop Disease Blog can be found by subscribing for updates, which is located at the right side of the webpage.…

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Positive Signs after a Slow Start to Corn Planting

  • April 19, 2018

Parts of Illinois received some precipitation for the third Sunday in a row (starting with Easter) on April 15, and in a few places, also for the third Sunday in a row, it came partly in the form of snow. That streak should end this weekend, and less rain and warmer temperatures are predicted to move in for the rest of April.
Some ammonia went on late last week and there was planting activity in places,…

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N Rate Calculator Updated

  • April 11, 2018

Last month (March 2018) we used data from 2017 N rate response trials to update the N rate calculator that provides best-estimate N rate guidelines for different regions and previous crops (corn or soybean) in Illinois. The updating process, which is currently being done by spring each year in Illinois, involves adding the new data and taking out some of the older data.
Many people understand the idea of using data from previous research to try to predict how a management factor will work the next time (in this case,…

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Stripe Rust in S. Illinois

  • April 11, 2018

I received notice of stripe rust in S. Illinois today.  Stripe rust is an important disease affecting wheat.  Please find an article on this disease and management by clicking here.  
If you locate stripe rust in your field please tweet a picture to me (@ILplantdoc) or email ( with the wheat variety, growth stage, and approximate percent of field infected.  This information will be useful to IL wheat producers this year and in upcoming seasons.…

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