2020 Applied Research Results now available
Every year, University of Illinois entomologists and plant pathologists conduct a variety of field experiments to evaluate control methods, survey for invasive and established pests, and inform management decisions for plant diseases and insect pests. We publish the results of these experiments in an annual report, which is available to view or download for free at the following link: https://uofi.box.com/v/2020PestPathogenARB
In addition to control evaluations on a variety of pests, this years guide includes:
- Surveys of red crown rot and corn nematodes
- A (thankfully negative) survey for the potential invasive soybean gall midge, along with the results of the annual statewide insect pest survey
- Results of western corn rootworm Bt resistance monitoring efforts
Authors of content in the 2020 guide include Kelly Estes and Joe Spencer from the Illinois Natural History Survey (part of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois) and Nathan Kleczewski, Keith Ames, Nick Seiter, and Ashley Decker from the University of Illinois Department of Crop Sciences.
For questions about the guide, please contact:
Nick Seiter, Field Crop Entomologist | nseiter@illinois.edu
Nathan Kleczewski, Field Crop Plant Pathologist | nathank@illinois.edu