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Subscribe to the Bulletin Using Our RSS Feed

  • March 22, 2013

Welcome to the newest version of the Pest Management and Crop Development Bulletin! We have made some changes that will hopefully allow our experts to get information to you as soon as it becomes available.
Because our authors will no longer be constrained to a single, weekly publishing date, we will no longer use our e-mail notification system, as we do not wish to send out a mass e-mail message every time a new article is posted.…

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Memorial to Dr. Marshal McGlamery

  • March 8, 2013

Dr. Marshal D. McGlamery, Professor Emeritus of Weed Science at the University of Illinois passed away January 25, 2013 in Suffolk, Virginia. Dr. McGlamery was world renowned for his knowledge and expertise in weed management. His unique talents for communicating his extensive knowledge with individuals and audiences were equally renowned. During his 35-year career in the professorial ranks at the University of Illinois, untold numbers of students, farmers and agricultural professionals benefitted from Dr. McGlamery’s undaunted passion for helping others better understand and manage unwanted vegetation.…

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