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Assessing potential of the 2022 corn crop

  • July 26, 2022

Nearly all of Illinois received below-normal rainfall in June, with the lowest amounts found in east central Illinois. In contrast, most of the state has received above-normal rainfall in July, with very high totals in parts of southern Illinois, above-normal amounts in much of northern Illinois, and a strip of moderately below-normal rainfall that roughly follows I-74 from the Quad Cities to Danville. The US drought map from last week (July 21) has about a third of the state as abnormally dry,…

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Illinois Crop Update 7/22/2022

  • July 22, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Nick Seiter, University of Illinois Field Crop Insects Extension Specialist
I received a report of spraying for spider mites in an area of northeastern Illinois that has missed much of the recent rains;…

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Illinois Crops Update 7/15/2022

  • July 15, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Aaron Hager, Extension Weeds Specialist, University of Illinois
Nearly all herbicide labels (soil-applied or postemergence) have rotational crop intervals that specify the amount of time that must elapse between herbicide application and planting a rotational crop.…

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Weed Control in Wheat Stubble Fields

  • July 12, 2022

Wheat harvest marks the end of one cropping cycle and the beginning of a second. In parts of central and southern Illinois, farmers frequently opt to plant double-crop soybean following wheat harvest, with hopes that the first “killing” frost will be late enough to allow the soybean to reach maturity. Wheat stubble fields not planted with a second crop often become populated with a “crop” of summer annual (and sometimes perennial) weed species. Unlike double-crop soybean,…

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Corn Tar Spot Disease Monitoring in Illinois

  • July 11, 2022

Tar spot on corn is here to stay in Illinois. Given that the pathogen that causes tar spot on corn can overwinter in infected residue, once the pathogen is in a field, it is more likely to be problematic in that field in the future. If you’ve been a victim of high incidence and/or severity of corn tar spot in your fields, you know how limiting this disease can be on corn yield.
As this disease can be seriously yield-limiting AND the pathogen is relatively new yet in Illinois,…

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Illinois Crops Update 7.8.22

  • July 8, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Aaron Hager, Extension Weeds Specialist, University of Illinois
We received multiple reports of poor waterhemp control following application of postemergence soybean herbicides.…

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Illinois Crops Update 7/1/2022

  • July 1, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Emerson Nafziger, Agronomy Extension Specialist, University of Illinois
Although rain fell in many places in central and northern Illinois last weekend (June 25-26) this week’s drought map shows even more of Illinois in “abnormally dry”…

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EVENT: 2022 Ag Field Day at Monmouth Research Farm

  • June 30, 2022

The Northwest Illinois Agriculture Research and Demonstration Center outside of Monmouth, Illinois will be holding an Ag Field Day on July 27 this year. The program will run from 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Presenters for the field day are Nick Seiter, Emerson Nafziger, Trent Ford, Phillip Alberti, and Greg Steckel. Topics will include corn rootworm, nitrogen management, climate trends, hemp, and corn/soybean planting dates. The program is free to attend, and water/light refreshments will be provided.…

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Illinois Crops Update 6/24/22

  • June 24, 2022

Each week, I put out a request to crops educators and specialists from the University of Illinois to compile an update to share with the entire state. We hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about the format or any feedback in general about these updates, please email me (
Nick Seiter, Extension Field Crops Entomologist, University of Illinois
I’m receiving more reports of stink bugs than I typically do,…

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Seeing Crops Through a Hot, Dry June

  • June 17, 2022

After a slow start, corn and soybean planting in Illinois proceeded at a normal pace in 2022. Rainfall in May was at 85 percent of normal statewide. While we remember the very warm days from May 10-15 and a few days later in the month, the statewide May temperature was only about 2 degrees warmer than normal.
The weather during the first half of June continued the trend from May, with temperatures averaging about 2 degrees above normal,…

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