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Insect Briefs – Soybean Aphids, Syrphid Flies, and More

  • July 20, 2016

–  Russ Higgins, University of Illinois Extension reports finding a couple of soybean aphids in LaSalle County this week. This follows some earlier reports in July of soybean aphids being found in low numbers in Iowa. Despite some of the recommendations floating around, direct yield loss from soybean aphid feeding does not occur when the first (or five or ten) aphids begin feeding. Today’s soybean varieties are equipped to handle minor challenges, including a few aphids.…

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2016 Ewing Agronomy Field Day – July 28

  • July 14, 2016

We invite everyone to the University of Illinois Extension Ewing Agronomy Field Day Thursday, July 28, 2016 starting at 9 a.m. at the Ewing Demonstration Center.  Every growing season presents challenges to production, and this year is no exception!  We are happy to host this summer field day to share with local growers current, ongoing agronomy field research, including cover crop trials on corn and soybeans, nitrogen management in corn, soybean variety trial and row spacing study,…

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2016 Orr Center Field Day Set For July 20

  • July 6, 2016

The 2016 Orr Center field day will be held on Wednesday, July 20, beginning with sign-in and refreshments at 8:00 AM. The format will be new this year, with three UI Extension specialists making presentations in indoor classrooms:

  • Weed scientist Aaron Hager will talk about weed management
  • Agronomist Emerson Nafziger will discuss crop conditions and nitrogen management
  • Ag economist Gary Schnitkey will discuss crop income projections

Indoor sessions will be followed by a short wagon tour to look at crop conditions and some of the research trials underway at the Center.…

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Preharvest Intervals for Postemergence Soybean Herbicides

  • June 28, 2016

Almost all postemergence soybean herbicides have a preharvest interval or a soybean developmental stage beyond which applications cannot be made specified on their respective label.  Labels of some products may indicate both a developmental stage (before soybean bloom, for example) and a preharvest interval.  Preharvest intervals indicate the amount of time that must elapse between the herbicide application and crop harvest.  Failure to observe the preharvest interval may result in herbicide residue levels in the crop in excess of established limits. …

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How might soybean yield be affected by hail damage?

  • June 24, 2016

In the early morning hours on Wednesday, June 22 a severe storm moved through western Illinois affecting crops throughout much of Henderson, Warren and Mercer Counties, including those at the University of Illinois’ Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center in Monmouth.  Preliminary data collected by instruments maintained by the Illinois Climate Network at the center had the wind gusting to 78.1 mph and more than 1 inch of rain falling in a 10 minute period contributing to the nightly total of 3.34 inches.…

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Storm Damage in Corn

  • June 23, 2016

High winds hit parts of central and north-central Illinois on June 22 and 23, flattening corn that was at stages V10 to V13 or so (4 to 7 feet tall.) Hail damaged leaf area in some places as well, but hail was not as widespread as wind damage.
Figure 1 shows corn completely flattened at our Monmouth Research & Education Center, following wind gusts up to 78 mph between 2:45 and 3:00 AM on June 22.…

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Postemergence Options to Control Waterhemp in Soybean

  • June 15, 2016

Waterhemp continues to be one of the most widespread and troublesome broadleaf weed species with which Illinois farmers must contend.  Factors related to the species’ biology, such as prolonged germination and emergence, obligate outcrossing, and high seed production, contribute to management challenges.  The evolution of herbicide resistance in Illinois waterhemp populations adds another very challenging obstacle for effective management.  Recently, many have sent questions and concerns regarding the inability to control waterhemp with various postemergence soybean herbicides. …

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Reminder of the 2016 Weed Science Field Research Tour

  • June 15, 2016

We would like to take this opportunity to once again extend the invitation to attend the 2016 University of Illinois Weed Science Field Research Tour, to be held Wednesday, June 29th at the University of Illinois Crop Sciences Research and Education Center, located immediately south of the main campus.  Coffee and refreshments will be available under the shade trees near the Seed House beginning at 8:00 a.m.  The tour will provide ample opportunity to look at research plots and interact with weed science faculty,…

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Does the Corn Crop Need More Nitrogen?

  • June 13, 2016

Except for some areas of southeastern Illinois, the 2016 corn crop went in well, and on June 12 was rated at 75% good or excellent. Warm temperatures have speeded up growth, and although below-normal rainfall, especially in western Illinois, is starting to cause some concern, the 2016 corn crop is off to a very good start.
The corn crop this year has excellent stands and there are few drowned-out areas, though there is some unevenness depending on when the crop was planted and how much rain it received after planting.…

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Maximum Corn Growth Stage for Postemergence Herbicides

  • June 9, 2016

The labels of most postemergence corn herbicides allow applications at various crop growth stages, but almost all product labels indicate a maximum growth stage beyond which broadcast applications should not be made, and a few even a state minimum growth stage before which applications should not be made.  These growth stages are usually indicated as a particular plant height or leaf stage; sometimes both of these are listed.  For product labels that indicate a specific corn height and growth state,…

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