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Call for Grain Samples, 2015

  • September 4, 2015

With funding from the Nutrient Research & Education Council (NREC) we started a project in 2014 to try to get a better idea for how much nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are contained in harvested grain of corn, soybean, and wheat.
In 2014 we tried to get yield level for each sampled field in order to see if yield level affects nutrient content. We found that it did not, and so we dropped the requirement to include yield level (will leave it as an option) and ask only for the county in which the sampled field was located.…

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Western Corn Rootworm Densities Far Below Average in Illinois Corn and Soybean Fields

  • September 2, 2015

As part of a USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) sponsored grant, surveys of insect pests were conducted in randomly selected corn and soybean fields across 28 counties throughout Illinois this summer. Fields were sampled during two discrete periods: July 27 – July 31 and August 12 – August 24. Within each county, five cornfields and five soybean fields were sampled. Within a cornfield (away from the field edge and end rows), 20 consecutive plants were examined carefully for northern and western corn rootworm adults.…

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Ewing Demonstration Center Fall Field Day – September 10th

  • August 28, 2015

The University of Illinois Extension will host its annual Ewing Demonstration Center Fall Field Day on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.  The Ewing Demonstration Center is located in southern Illinois about 20 miles south of Mt. Vernon at 16132 N. Ewing Rd; Ewing, IL 62836.  It is on the north edge of the village of Ewing, north of the Ewing Grade School on north Ewing Road.  Watch for signs.
The ongoing research this year includes trials on soybean cover crops,…

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The End of an Era

  • August 12, 2015

In early 1998, Extension specialists in the Department of Crop Sciences (Drs. Kevin Steffey, Mike Gray, Bob Hoeft, and Emerson Nafziger) launched a new educational program dubbed the Corn & Soybean Classic. The program consisted of a series of regional meetings at which extension specialists shared with those in attendance the most current and relevant information related to crop production, pest management, and farm economics. Annually for 18 years, 7 to 10 specialists spent many long hours compiling the information generated from applied and basic research programs into a format that was shared with an audience that ranged in size from 800 to over 1300.…

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2015 Dixon Springs Ag Center Field Day

  • July 31, 2015

The 2015 Dixon Springs Agronomy and Horticulture Field Day presented by the University of Illinois, Department of Crop Sciences will be held on Thursday, August 6 at the Dixon Springs Ag Center.
The research center is located on IL Route 145, near Glendale, IL, 25 miles south of Harrisburg and 25 miles north of Paducah, KY.
Tours will start at 9:00 AM with the final bus leaving at 9:20.  A lunch to follow will be provided by sponsors and UI Extension.…

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Got Crazy Top?

  • July 30, 2015

Crazy top, named for the odd formations of the leaves or tassel due to hormonal effects of the disease, is typically found on corn plants that were submerged for a few days early in the growing season. A description of the disease and of its symptoms can be found at
While a lot of corn was submerged during early growth in Illinois this year, we haven’t been seeing a lot of this disease.…

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Symptoms of Sudden Death Syndrome Begin to Appear in Soybeans

  • July 28, 2015

Last week, symptoms of sudden death syndrome (SDS) began to appear in April 15-planted soybeans at the University of Illinois’ Northwestern Research Center in Warren County. Weather during the 2015 growing season has been favorable for the development of SDS: cool, moist soils after planting and frequent rains ever since. Symptoms began appearing approximately 3 weeks earlier than in 2014.
While the fungus that causes SDS (Fusarium virguliforme) infects roots of soybean seedlings very early in the growing season,…

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Brownstown Agronomy Research Center Field Day – August 5, 2015

  • July 27, 2015

The 2015 Brownstown Agronomy Research Center Field Day, presented by the University Of Illinois Department Of Crop Sciences, will be held on Wednesday, August 5. Extension researchers and specialists will address issues pertinent to the current growing season. The tour will start at 8 a.m. and will last approximately three hours. It will be followed by lunch provided by U of I Extension. 2.5 hours of Certified Crop Adviser CEUs have been approved.
Shaded tour wagons will take participants to each stop.…

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Join us in Monmouth on Tuesday, July 28 for the Northwestern Agricultural R&D Center Field Day

  • July 24, 2015

The program will begin promptly at 8 am at the Center which is located 1 mile North and 4 miles West of Monmouth at 321 210th Avenue (click here for directions).
Participants will board buses to tour portions of the farm, stopping along the way to visit with University of Illinois personnel who will present results of the most current crop, pest, disease, nitrogen and weed management research.
Certified Crop Advisors may earn up to 2.5 continuing education units.…

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Does Corn Still Need Rescuing?

  • July 21, 2015

The 2015 Illinois corn crop continues to develop on schedule, with 75% of the crop having reached silking by July 19. But the crop condition rating continues its steady downward trend, with the good + excellent percentage now at 55%, down from its high of 79% at the end of May. Virtually all of this decline is due to standing water, past or present.
Rainfall frequency and amount has moderated some, but parts of western Illinois have received more than 6 inches so far in July.…

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