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2008 - Illinois Farm Economics Update

The recent turmoil in financial markets is very large by any reasonable standard of comparison. The farmdoc team prepared the following articles to illustrate the impact of the current financial crisis on the agricultural economy and decision-making. Focus is devoted to five main topics – the nature of the financial crisis, impacts on the short-term availability of credit, the connection between the financial meltdown and commodity prices, crop insurance decisions, and land rental and lease negotiations.

2008 Presentations

The Current Financial Crisis: How Did We Get Here?

Nick Paulson

Department of ACE, University of Illinois

Financial Markets in Agriculture

Paul Ellinger and Bruce Sherrick
Department of ACE, University of Illinois

Implications of Credit Market Problems for Crop Prices

Darrel Good and Scott Irwin
Department of ACE, University of Illinois

Increased Probabilities of Crop Insurance Payments

Gary Schnitkey and Bruce Sherrick
Department of ACE, University of Illinois

2009 Rental Decisions Given Volatile Commodity Prices and Higher Input Costs

Gary Schnitkey and Dale Lattz
Department of ACE, University of Illinois

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