Understanding the Impacts of an Extraordinary Year and Implications for the Future
2019 was a truly historic and in many ways unbelievable year for Illinois agriculture. The ongoing trade war with China and the on- and off-again efforts to reach an agreement dominated headlines much of the year. As if this wasn’t enough uncertainty for one year, Illinois was hit by one of the wettest spring planting seasons on record. Looking forward, the story of Illinois agriculture will continue to be one of managing volatility and financial difficulties. The stress of a prolonged period of low corn, soybean, and wheat prices, was amplified for producers experiencing low yields this year due to poor planting and summer growing season weather. Producers and landowners continue to face a series of difficult management challenges as they grapple with adjusting to this highly volatile economic environment. What is the prospect for a recovery in grain prices? Should cash rents be lower? And if so, how much? How much will government programs offset some of the financial stress? The members of the farmdoc team from the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics and University of Illinois Extension will be holding a series of five Illinois Farm Economics Summit meetings to help producers navigate these tumultuous times.
2019 Presentations
2019: THAT Just Happened
Scott Irwin, Professor
Department of ACE, University of Illinois
What Did We Learn with Delayed Planting? Farm Management Implications
Gary Schnitkey, Professor
Department of ACE, University of Illinois

Illinois Farm Income: 2019 Projections and Outlook for 2020
Dale Lattz, farmdoc Research Associate
Department of ACE, University of Illinois
The ARC/PLC Decision in the New Farm Bill
Jonathan Coppess, Assistant Professor
Department of ACE, University of Illinois
Trade, MFP, and Policy Directions
Nick Paulson, Associate Professor
Department of ACE, University of Illinois
Grain Price Outlook for 2020
Todd Hubbs, Assistant Professor
Department of ACE, University of Illinois