Illinois Farm Economic Summit 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024 – Mt. Vernon, IL – DoubleTree Hotel
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 – Peoria, IL – Par-a-dice Hotel
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 – Dekalb, IL – NIU Barsema Alumni & Visitors Center
Farm Assets Conference
i-Hotel, Champaign, Illinois - Practical Advice for Conservation Management | Commercial Lenders and Agriculture | Mental Health and the Farm | Alternative Federal Crop Insurance Products | Growing Regions Weather | FBFM Farm Financials | Strategies to Manage Farm Input Costs | Farm Policy Update | What to Expect from the South American Crop Season | Crop Sciences Production Panel Discussion | ACE Grain Market Outlook Panel
Bridging the Gap: Technology Adoption in Small Holder Farms
Gregory Bernard, Assistant Professor of Plant and Soil Science, Tuskegee University
Adopting new technology for any size farming operation has its challenges. Discuss the unique challenges and opportunities smallholder farms face in adopting new technologies. This final series session will explore practical solutions and case studies of successful technology integration in small-scale farming. Attendees will learn about the barriers to adoption and strategies to overcome them.
The Outlook for U.S. Biofuels: FAME Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel
Renewable diesel experienced a truly historic boom starting in 2021 but plateaued recently. The demise of the FAME biodiesel industry has been widely predicted due to the renewable diesel boom. On top of all this, the re-election of President Trump has created tremendous policy uncertainty. The purpose of this webinar is to analyze the outlook for renewable diesel and FAME biodiesel in the next several years.
Strategies for Withstanding Low-Profitability Years
Join Dr. Gary Schnitkey and Dr. Laura Gentry for an insightful webinar focused on practical strategies for navigating low-profit years in farming. With low commodity prices and slim profit margins, it’s more critical than ever to adopt cost-effective practices that keep your farm financially healthy. You’ll gain actionable insights into reducing input costs, leveraging Precision Conservation Management data for in-field practice analysis, and strategically managing crops to maximize returns.
The Outlook for U.S. Biofuels: Ethanol and SAF
The U.S. biofuels sector has been buffeted by change in recent years. Ethanol demand is threatened by rising sales of electronic vehicles (EVs). Renewable diesel has experienced a boom and something of a bust in the last three years. The new kid on the block is sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Feedstock demand for each of these biofuels is tied up with a seemingly ever changing set of policies. The purpose of this webinar is to help make sense of where…
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Rainfall Index Insurance: A Risk Management Tool for Livestock and Forage Producers
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Rainfall Index Insurance (PRF-RI) is a relatively new insurance product offered by the USDA Risk Management Agency. PRF-RI is meant to insure livestock and forage producers against lower than average rainfall which could decrease forage production. This webinar will explore PRF-RI as a potential risk management tool for livestock and forage producers. Attendees will gain insights into how PRF-RI differs from traditional yield and revenue crop insurance policies and how to evaluate policy decisions, such as…
Future of Ag Safety: How AI Will Transform Agriculture
This final webinar looks ahead at emerging technologies and innovations that will transform safety in agriculture. We will showcase cutting-edge research around autonomous equipment, wearable tech, telematics, and digital training tools. You'll gain insights into how these futuristic solutions could monitor risks, prevent incidents, and improve health outcomes for agricultural workers. We'll discuss how farmers, researchers, and policymakers can collaborate to fully realize the safety benefits of new ag technologies.
Smart Grazing: AI Integration Into Grazing Management
Isabella Condotta, Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences, UIUC
Explore livestock management with artificial intelligence. Learn about the innovative work in the use of sensors and AI models in grazing management. The fourth series session will cover how advanced technologies can be used to monitor and manage livestock grazing patterns. Attendees will gain insights into the design and deployment of these technologies and how they can improve pasture utilization, livestock health, and overall farm efficiency.
Balancing Act: Negotiating Farmland Rents for 2025 in Illinois
University of Illinois agricultural economists Dr. Gary Schnitkey and Dr. Nick Paulson invite you to a webinar focused on farmland rent agreements for the 2025 production year. They will present an overview of the current state of Illinois farmland rents, explaining the factors that led to record-high rents in recent years and the economic conditions now pointing towards necessary adjustments.
Resources for Farmers in Crisis
When injury, illness, or natural disasters strike, farmers and ranchers need help to continue operating. This webinar highlights two key resources for farmers in crisis. We will explain the Farm Rescue program which plants, harvests, hauls, and does chores for free when farmers have an emergency. We'll also cover the AgrAbility program helping agriculture workers with disabilities. You'll learn who qualifies, what services are offered, and how to request assistance from these essential non-profits serving the ag community.
Economics of Adopting Weeding Robots
Shadi Attallah, Associate Professor, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, UIUC
Shadi will examine the economic aspects of adopting weeding robots on farms. This session will cover how robot prices, corn prices, the robot weeding efficacy, and a farmer’s planning horizon affect how many robots to adopt and to what extent weeding robots can increase farm profitability and reduce weed resistance to herbicides.
Addressing Mental Stress & Health in Agriculture
Farming and ranching are filled with stressors like financial pressures, uncertain conditions, long hours, and social isolation. This webinar focuses on mental health challenges common in agriculture and ways to foster resilience and wellbeing. We will discuss signs and symptoms of conditions like anxiety, depression, and suicide risk. You'll gain strategies for managing stress, building social connections, and finding help when needed. We aim to reduce stigma around mental illness and enable farmers and ranchers to access mental health resources.
Farm Robotics: Revolutionizing Agricultural Practices
Naveen Uppalapati, Research Scientist, Center for Digital Agriculture, UIUC
Explore the transformative impact of robotics in agriculture. The second series session will highlight the latest innovations in agricultural robots, including planting, harvesting, and monitoring robots. Attendees will learn about the benefits and challenges of integrating robots into farm operations and the future of robotic technology in agriculture.
Maximizing Returns on Challenging Soils: PCM’s Low SPR Findings
We will look at environmental indicators from PCM farms and their relationship to farming practices. NEW this year: PCM has separate data available for high SPR and low SPR soils so you can better assess how conservation practices could impact your fields.
Farm Safety for Youth: Keeping the Next Generation Safe
Children and teens make up a significant portion of injuries and fatalities in agriculture. This webinar looks at why young people are uniquely vulnerable to farm hazards. We will review child labor laws and resources for legally employing youth in agriculture. You'll learn about equipment risks, and key safety practices to prevent farm incidents. We'll also cover effective ways to train young workers and ensure safe behaviors around your farm or ranch.
Enhancing Farm Connectivity: The Backbone of Modern Agriculture
Delve into the critical role of connectivity in modern farming. The first session of the I-FARM webinar series will explore the various technologies enabling seamless communication between farm equipment, sensors, and management systems. Attendees will learn about the latest advancements in IoT, satellite, and wireless communication technologies that are transforming the agricultural landscape.
Balancing Profitability and Sustainability: PCM’s Latest Insights
Here we will take a deeper dive into nitrogen management relations to profitability and the environment. We will also look at the potential and issues associated with carbon markets.
Illinois Injury Surveillance Efforts
Overview of agriculture-related injury and illness tracking programs active in Illinois. Will cover data collection methods, trends identified, and how surveillance information guides prevention initiatives for the agriculture community.
Financial and Environmental Impact of Conservation Practices
New Data from PCM with Focus on Cover Crops and Tillage. Precision Conservation Management (PCM) works directly with farmers and uses data analysis to determine how farmers can implement conservation practices without sacrificing profits. This webinar from Greg Goodwin (IL Corn Growers Association) and Gary Schnitkey (University of Illinois farmdoc team) covers 9 years of data-driven insights. We will emphasize profitable practices using cover crops. Profitability and tillage practices will be examined.
Heat Related Injury and Illness
Heat exposure can negatively affect agricultural workers, but there are ways to prevent it. Review risk factors, early symptoms, treatment, workplace controls like rest breaks and hydration, and personal protective measures when working in hot conditions.
How Will Technology Shape the Farm of the Future
Discussion of current and upcoming technology that will change the way we farm. This includes discussions on Internet of Things, Autonomous Machinery, Sensors, and Livestock handling. We will discuss how each of these technologies will contribute to a safer and more productive farm. We will also cover what are the risks of these technologies and safety concerns that need to be addressed.
Farmworker Safety and Health
Farm work presents many hazards that can lead to injury, illness, and even death. This webinar focuses on the unique risks faced by agricultural workers, including migrant and hired laborers, and ways to protect their safety and health. We will discuss common issues like pesticide exposure, musculoskeletal disorders, transportation incidents, and lack of adequate housing. You'll learn practical tips for creating a culture of safety, training workers (including seasonal, migrant, and hired laborers), and implementing best practices to protect all workers in your agricultural operation.
Managing Risks with Cover Crops: A Case Study of the Most Profitable Illinois Farms Using Cover Crops
Cover crops remain the best conservation practice in the organic rich soils of the Midwest where nutrient loss, soil health, and climate change are concerns. Many farmers have also seen agronomic benefits related to weed control, water infiltration, and protection during crop-loss weather events. Still, there are challenges for farm-level profitability and risks. Using Precision Conservation Management (PCM) data and farmer interviews, we present the current best practices to manage risks and protect profitability for Midwest farmers.
Research and Strategies for Grain Entrapment Prevention
We will explore the world of grain safety, shedding light on various types of incidents and the alarming statistics surrounding them. We will delve into the immense pressure exerted by grain, a contributing factor to the severity of injuries and tragic fatalities. Moreover, we will examine the distinction between youth and adult entrapments, analyzing potential risk factors and implications for prevention strategies. Throughout the session, we will uncover effective strategies designed to eliminate the need for entering grain bins, reducing…
The Changing Face of American Agriculture: Insights from the 2022 USDA Census of Agriculture – Illinois and the Midwest
This webinar will provide an overview of the census data and trends specific to Illinois and the Midwest. By highlighting the unique circumstances and opportunities faced by farmers in this region, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the agricultural sector and contribute to informed policy-making processes.
The 2022 USDA Census of Agriculture provides a wealth of information about the state of American agriculture. This webinar series will explore findings from the census, and discuss trends of U.S. agriculture.
The Changing Face of American Agriculture: Insights from the 2022 USDA Census of Agriculture – National Trends
This webinar will provide an overview of the major trends in U.S. agriculture, such as the decline in the number of farms, the increase in farm size, and the growing diversity of producers. We will also discuss the implications of these trends for the future of food production and rural communities. The 2022 USDA Census of Agriculture provides a wealth of information about the state of American agriculture. This webinar series will explore findings from the census, and discuss trends…
All Day Ag Outlook
The farmdoc Team, WILLAg.org, and University of Illinois Extension are proud to present the All Day Ag Outlook. This meeting has been an annual tradition in the month of March at the Beef House in Covington, Indiana since 1991.
Crop Risk Management for 2024, Part 2
This two-part webinar series will provide an in-depth analysis of risk management decisions and strategies for the 2024 crop year. Lower commodity prices are expected for the 2024 crop and marketing years compared to the past 3 years, resulting in a much tighter margin environment and increased importance of risk management decisions.
Part 2 on March 4, 2024 will feature Bruce Sherrick who will join Nick Paulson to focus on crop insurance alternative for 2024. Projected insurance prices will be known at this time, allowing for a more accurate look at the risk protection and premium costs associated with the commonly used insurance programs as the March 15th crop insurance sales closing date approaches. Individual coverage
The Renewable Diesel Boom: What Does the Future Look Like?
Scott Irwin will explore the current state and future of the U.S. renewable diesel industry, covering production trends, policy drivers, and the impact on feedstock demand.
Preventing the Spread of Infectious Disease on Farms, Ranches and Ag Workplaces
Farmers, ranchers, and ag operators were deemed ‘essential’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning how to protect employees, families, clients, and the community evolved throughout the pandemic and uncertainty was often difficult to navigate. In the webinar, we hope to bring forward some of the lessons learned during the pandemic and help share strategies for responding to infectious disease outbreaks in the future.
Crop Risk Management for 2024, Part 1
This two-part webinar series will provide an in-depth analysis of risk management decisions and strategies for the 2024 crop year. Lower commodity prices are expected for the 2024 crop and marketing years compared to the past 3 years, resulting in a much tighter margin environment and increased importance of risk management decisions.
Part 1 on February 19, 2024 will feature Gary Schnitkey who will join Nick Paulson to discuss the commodity program alternatives with a focus on corn and soybean producers in Illinois. Crop insurance alternatives for 2024 will also be discussed as projected insurance prices are being set in February. Both crop insurance and ARC/PLC enrollment decisions must be made by March 15th.
Farm Policy: Current State & A Look Ahead
Jonathan Coppess will review the 2018 Farm Bill's extension and its effects on programs critical to the 2024 crop year. He will also address the prospects for new Farm Bill legislation amidst political challenges and funding complexities.
Grain Market Outlook
Joe Janzen will analyze 2024's grain price forecasts and global market trends, discussing the implications for grain marketing strategies in light of supply and demand estimations.
Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) Crop Insurance Policy for 2024
Learn more about the Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) Crop Insurance Policy for 2024 during a webinar hosted by IL Corn.
Experts Dr. Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois Professor in Agricultural and Consumer Economics, and Megan Dwyer, CCA and Director of Conservation and Nutrient Stewardship for IL Corn, will walk participants through this game-changing coverage endorsement and answer any questions.
South America’s Crop Production Under the El Niño Influence
Joana Colussi will provide an update on South America's crop production, especially soybeans and corn in Brazil and Argentina, and discuss export challenges considering supply, exchange rates, and global demand.
Why is Agricultural Safety Important?
Review of common occupational injuries associated with agriculture, characteristic of the farms that make them vulnerable, and costs of injuries in agricultural settings.
Macro and Farm Financial Update
Brad Zwilling and Gerald Mashange will analyze economic factors impacting agriculture, focusing on inflation, interest rates, and farm credit conditions. Utilizing Illinois FBFM data, they'll assess the financial state of Illinois farms, covering topics like income, land values, and debt.
Farm Income and Return Outlook
Nick Paulson will examine the forecasted financial returns and net incomes for Illinois farms in 2024, against the recent downturn in commodity prices. He'll explore the impact of persistent high production costs in a low-price environment and suggest strategies to manage the expected tighter margins.
Illinois Farm Economic Summit 2024
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 – Mt. Vernon, IL – DoubleTree Hotel
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 – Peoria, IL – Par-a-dice Hotel
Thursday, January 11, 2024 – Dekalb, IL – NIU Barsema Alumni & Visitors Center